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Darknet and TOR (Part-II)

As I explained in the previous post, dark web is a deep ocean of webpages and resources containing all sorts of information and stuff. You can nearly find anything and everything there, but sometimes people come across stuff they shouldn't be seeing or using and that's what makes it imperative to use the dark web in a safe manner so that you don't harm yourself and your computer network. As I already explained that dark web is a place of resources but along with that you have to be very careful while using it and one should definitely follow some of the recommended security measures so as to ensure data safety and integrity. Normally people are way too careless while using the darkweb and don't keep in mind certain things that they are not supposed to do and end up compromising their computers. One has to keep in mind that along with normal and good people there are always hackers and hacker groups sitting on darkweb trying to exploit any vulnerable machine they ca
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WHAT IS DARKNET? Search engines like GOOGLE and BING generally returns millions of pages even for the simplest of keywords typed. This part of internet is the visible part. But there exists, within the countless websites, an Internet that is beyond the scope of normal search engines and general browsing, this is called Darknet, Deepnet, Invisible Web or Hidden Internet. The websites on Darknet are anonymous i.e you cannot tell who is the owner of the website when visiting them. Websites on the Darknet are accessed through the TOR(The Onion Router) Network. The basic concept behind TOR Network is to include so many nodes that it is virtually impossible to trace where the data is going or where is it coming from. Darknet webpages have the domain name .onion which is different from normal domain names which is the reason that these webpages cannot be accessed through normal web browsers. These domain names are created by Onion when you host your anonymous websites using the

Ransomware Attacks

What is a ransomware attack? It is an attack by a hacker or a group of hackers who remotely locks the target computers and demands money in order to restore the data and access. How does it work? When a computer is infected, the ransomware program(malware) encrypts important documents and files and then demands a ransom, typically in Bitcoin, for some kind of Digital Key in order to unlock the files. Though there is not surety of computer being unlocked so just in case the user didn't have any recent backup of his data he/she might face a huge data loss. Recent Ransomware Attacks:- 1.  WannaCry Ransomware:- This attack began on 12 may 2017 which targeted computers running Microsoft Windows Operating Systems by encrypting their data and demanding some ransom in Bitcoin so as to unlock the computer. W ithin a day this attack was reported to have infected more than 230,000 computers in over 150 countries.   Parts of the United Kingdom's  National Health S

What is a VPN? Why you should use one? What are the best VPN options out there?

What is a VPN? A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows the user to extend a private network over a public network thus allowing the users to send and receive data securely even on unsecured public connections. VPN basically creates a tunnel between the user and the internet through which all the data is sent and received, thereby encrypting the data. Why you should start using one? It secures your computer’s internet connection to guarantee that all of the data you are sending and receiving is encrypted and secured from prying eyes.       2. It gives the user complete privacy by hiding their real IP address.      3. Some VPN services also provide DNS leakage protection which is actually one very good security feature to go for.     4. It helps the user to  bypass Regional Restrictions on data, for example the user can watch netflix content of some other nation or he/she can open a website which he/she earlier was unable to.    5. It keeps the use